Bulky Lace Knit Cowl – Free Pattern!

Michelle, ma belle……these are the words to an unforgettable Beatles song, but Michelle is also the name of this beautiful Chunky Lace Knit Cowl Pattern!
This would make a great last minute gift, because you should be able to complete it in a night, or maybe two, depending on the speed at which you knit, and then you can have it wrapped and under the tree in no time flat! If you use some bulky yarn that you may have in your stash – you won’t have to spend any money to give an amazing gift to someone on your Christmas list!
They are also a quick knit to make up for charity if you have time either before or after Christmas and have some “spare” bulky or chunky yarn in your stash!
Special thanks to Berroco for creating this Free Bulky Lace Cowl Pattern!
To see the pattern and knit one for someone in your life, or for yourself, please click here!
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
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