Knit this Gorgeous Designer Inspired Scarf! Free Pattern

I am firmly of the opinion that one simply cannot have too many scarves, wraps, or shawls for cuddling up in when the mercury drops, and a chill fills the air! This free Knit Scarf pattern is not only beautiful, but warm too!
When I read this pattern, I was amazed at how simple it was for such a delicate detailed scarf – it is seriously only knit stitches, knitting 2 together and knitting through the front and back loop. That is all you need to know how to do to make this gorgeous scarf which will look like you bought it in a high end boutique! Your friends will be amazed when you tell them that you made it yourself!
I like the pattern so much that I went to my yarn stash and found some Red Heart Unforgettable in the colorway Sunrise, and cast on to test and see if it really was as easy as it looked, and I’m pleased to report that it is!
If you decide to make one too, we could share progress pictures of all of our work on our site together if you’d like!
Special thanks to Christy Kamm for providing us with this gorgeous, free, knit scarf pattern.
To view the easy knit pattern on Ravelry and start dreaming of the color combinations you will use, please click here.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
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