Knit this Free and Easy Lace Baktus Pattern!

I know that for most, when first looking at a lace knit pattern, it can seem a little overwhelming or intimidating unless you already have some good experience with lace knitting.  What worked for me was to get my feet wet slowly, mastering some of the easier lace stitches in projects like this one before moving on to tackle one a little more challenging.

This very Easy Knit Lace Baktus pattern is one that you will come back to time and time again, even once you are knitting more complex lace patterns, because of the sheer simplicity of it combined with it’s incredibly stunning appearance once completed.  I can’t encourage you enough to give it a try!  With the right yarn choice, it becomes a scrumptiously squishy, light and lovely shawl that can be used to dress up or dress down an outfit!

If you do give it a try, please share your photos with us, because I would love to see them!

Special thanks to both Terhi Montonen and Strikkelise for sharing this pattern with us today!

You can access the pattern via Terhi’s Flickr page, including the instructions, by clicking here.  Scroll down under the Flickr photo to find the written pattern.

Be Well Friends!

Laura & Bruce

**Please help to support us in bringing you these free patterns daily by clicking on some of the Google Ads on the Spinner’s Husband Blog Page.  While there, you can also check out the Amazon ads for any of your crafting needs at great prices!  We really appreciate it!

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