Knit This Free Eclipse Sweater/Cardigan!

Summer is quickly on it’s way, and along with it, the nights where there is a slight chill in the air, or flying bugs which are…well…”bugging” you.  Now you can knit a Summer Eclipse in any size or color you choose to keep those few summer annoyances from taking their toll on your summer and your nerves.

I promise you will love this simple knit cardigan right from the moment that you put it on, and it will quickly become a summer staple in your wardrobe.  It could even be worn indoors on a chilly or damp fall or winter day as well!   You could even make it in Bamboo or Linen for the summer variety and a nice soft wool blend for the rainy and damp days of fall and cold days of winter!

To see this free knit Summer Eclipse sweater, and read how easy the pattern is, please click here.

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Be Well Friends!

Laura & Bruce

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