Crochet Crosses All Barriers – Free Rainbow Mandala

The world was devastated to learn of the tragedies in Florida/Orlando this past weekend, and while looking for our crochet pattern for today, I came across this Rainbow Mandala Crochet pattern which we can all make and hang somewhere in our home or community to support the family and friends of those affected, and use the Mandala to perhaps explain to our little people what it represents, which is peace, love and understanding for ALL members of our society, not just for a select few groups in the community that fit into the previous square boxes who choose to marginalize those who are different in any way from them.

It is a new world, and as society has always done, we have to progress and move forward with it, and teach our children more love and more acceptance than we ourselves were taught.  That is one of the ways to prevent tragedies such as occurred this past weekend.  Crochet is a way of spreading that love.

Another lovely that that could be done with this mandala is to make multiples and join them all together to form a lovely afghan or blanket, or shawl, which could be kept by your family as a remembrance, or given to charity to help someone less fortunate and keep them warm with your kindness.  Mandalas symbolize peace, meditation and love – what a much better creed to live by than what we have currently!!

To download this Rainbow Mandala Crochet pattern, please click here.

Special Thanks to Susan D. From for sharing this lovely and timely pattern with us!

Please also remember that in order to support us in bringing you free crochet patterns, we would dearly appreciate it if you could click on some of the Google Ads on The Spinner’s Husband blog page.  You don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want to, just the click is sufficient!  We truly appreciate the help and support!

Be Well Friends!

Laura & Bruce

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