Need a Blues Buster? Free Knit Pattern

On our side of the world, the weather is changing quickly to grey, cold and damp. Take a look at this cute little knitting buddy that can chase away your seasonal blues.
I first saw this little guy several years ago during one of my typical pattern surfing “binges”. LOL I instantly felt in love with the odd little dude, and lo and behold, fast forward several years, and I am able to offer you the chance to make one of your own!
In the picture – you will be able to see that he is holding knitting needles – the author just put a small “cuff size” circular needle around his back, and putting them in his hands. If you don’t want to do that,and would prefer to make permanent needles for him, you can either use the glass ball type straight pins, or even toothpicks or a very thin piece of dowel with a little proportionate bead on top, then painted whatever color you want the needles to be in a nice color that contrasts with his body. Nail polish, or any other type of craft coloring should work. You can also make these for all the knitters in your life and pare down your stash at the same time! I also hear that he is a great listener…….
Create a stash-busting, blues-busting little knitting buddy/confidant who will be happy to sit and knit with you anytime at all!
Thanks to Nikol at the Thrifty Knitter blog for this little guy!
Make yourself a Thrifty Knitter Critter today!