Knit the Best of Both Worlds with this Free Pattern!

If you follow the blog at all, you will probably know that I am a die-hard shawl fanatic.  I love the look of them, and I love making them.  I don’t wear them often however, unless I am going to be relatively sedentary, because I do not like having to watch that they don’t fall off, or keep adjusting them.  That problem is solved with today’s free knit pattern!

Introducing the “Shawncho”!  It is a lovely design which contains all the lacy, drapey elements of a shawl, with the practicality of a poncho.  It will stay on because it can’t fall off, and there is no real adjustment needed.  When knit from a lighter gauge yarn, it can be worn both indoors and out to ward of any chills that may come your way!

I plan to knit one as soon as time permits, and I have finished some of my other WIP’s (works in progress).  I am getting closer to finishing the hand spun pillowcase for my son’s favorite comfort pillow that he has had since he was tiny(he’s now 23).  It started out as a pillowcase with a persian cat on it that he just loved, so when the sheets had seen better days, I kept the pillowcase and filled it with chipped foam and sewed it shut, making a comfy-cozy lounging pillow which is now looking a little(read:  alot) threadbare.  You can see through it at spots!  When I first got into drop spinning early last year, I picked up some hand-dyed fiber from one of my LYS (local yarn shop), and when I showed it to him, he just fell in love with it, and asked if I could make him a new covering for his pillow with it.  The yarn is all spun, and I just have one more ball of yarn worth to knit on it, and then it will be done and one slot will open up in my knitting list!  Whoot!

The next dilemma for me is which yarn/color to knit the Shawncho with!  If you are considering making one, what colors would you choose?  It could even be used as a pretty spiffy stash buster to use all all your odds and ends of yarn in a stripey extravaganza!

Special thanks to Nathalie Faucon for sharing this awesome knit Shawncho pattern with us!  It is her very first published pattern ever, and I think she did an awesome job of it!

To view the pattern so that you can assemble your supplies to knit it, please click here and download it directly from it’s Ravelry page.

Be Well Friends!

Laura & Bruce

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