Knit this Easy Saturday Cardigan – Free Pattern!

We are all so busy through the week, that sometimes there seems to be scant time for comfort. Change all that this weekend by taking some time to knit this free smooshy soft cardigan to throw on for your weekends or your quick runs to the grocery store or wherever else life takes you through the week after work! It is a must knit for those seeking comfort!
I really can’t say enough about how incredibly comfortable this cardigan looks. Don’t you just want to wrap yourself in it and curl up on an easy chair with a coffee or tea or even hot chocolate? I’m sure it will feel equally soft and comfortable too, depending on which yarn you choose to knit it with!
It is knit on large needles too, which will add to the “smoosh factor”, but will also make the project go quickly, because knitted fabric always grows by leaps and bounds with bigger needles! It’s a perfect project for an “instant gratification” knitter! This is most definitely on my list of things to make – one in red for my daughter, and one in deep purple for myself to begin with!
Special thanks to Joann’s and Paton’s for sharing this Easy and Free Saturday Cardigan pattern!
To view and download this free knit pattern, please click here.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
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