Be Prepared for Summer Mishaps! Crochet a First Aid Kit!
With camping season just around the corner accidents are bound to happen. Be prepared and keep all the supplies you need to deal with any situation in one spot with this convenient and stylish crochet or knit first aid kit and supply list!
To download this First Aid case crochet pattern, please click here.
To download a Knit copy of this pattern, please click here.
For a list of supplies that your crochet or knit first aid kit is recommended to have, please click here and scroll down until you see First Aid Supplies and refills.
Be Well and Be Safe Friends, and above all else, please enjoy yourself SAFELY!!
Laura & Bruce
P.S. Please help us keep this site going so that we can continue to give you free knitting and crocheting patterns every week, by clicking on the Google Ad links on The Spinner’s Husband Page. Clicking is free, you are not obligated to buy anything, and it would help us out a great deal! We truly appreciate your help with this!
P.P.S. Stay tuned for our first yarn giveaway of the summer! Rules to follow later this week!! I am very excited about this!
P.P.P.S. This blog and Pattern site has been created with you in mind, so if there are any specific patterns for things you would like to see, please let me know in the comments so that I can do my best to locate them for you!