Crochet Your Way to “Fence Candy”!

August 4, 2016 | Free Crochet Patterns
| While I seem to be on my crochet Mandala kick again, I was doing a little pattern surfing and found this, and thought it would be a great way to bring a little Mandala magic to your yard or wall!
This gorgeous crochet Mandala Dream Catcher is crafted from a hula hoop (available at most dollar stores at a good price), and some yarn. It looks like a really fun project, and I can’t wait to try it when my 8 year old granddaughter outgrows her hula hoop!
It will be great fun choosing the colors to work with, and creating your own stunning decorations!
Special thanks to Naztazia and Ravelry for sharing this pattern with us today!
To download the giant crochet Mandala pattern, please click here.
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Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce