Which Will You Knit? 7 Free Knitting Patterns!

It is the day before New Year’s Eve, and we have the wide, unsullied expanse of the New Year stretching before us full of promise, hope, and all good things, especially those that are knit!
Christmas is almost behind us now, and the pressure of “I have to knit this and this and this and this for so and so for Christmas” is no more, replaced by the “Wow! My time is my own! What do I want to make? as a question that we now have the luxury of asking ourselves.
However, I still have several projects on the go from this past year at the moment – apparently my son promised his best friend last May that I would knit him a sweater after he saw and envied my son’s latest sweater at the time, but I was not made aware of this arrangement until several days ago, so I have started working on that. It has to be a big sweater though, because the friend is quite tall like my husband and son, so all the measurements in the sweater have to be adjusted to accommodate his additional height. When making sweaters for them, just being 5 ‘ tall myself, and them being 6’4″ or more, I have to knit the front and back so that they come to just below my knees, and then I know it’s the right length! That is A LOT of knitting! However, it’s good mindless knitting for the most part, which is excellent for those “mung out in front of the TV” type nights! Yippee!
Then I have my son’s black cashmere hat. He asked for a new hat a little while back, and I set to work knitting him a k1p1 hat with gorgeous Baby Alpaca/Merino Fine mix, which was super soft, but I then made the “earth shattering” mistake of putting a few lines of turquoise in for contrast, when the hat was supposed to be solid black. Hence the new one that is now under construction! What a luxurious feeling knitting with 100% cashmere! I have told him that once his new hat is done, he can carry his other one with him when he goes out, and can then gift it to someone who needs a warm winter hat that cannot necessarily go out and get one. That is what makes the additional knitting time worth it to me, to help someone in need.
I am also making a pair of cashmere blend fingered gloves for my oldest son, who busks downtown on his piano daily, and needs something lightweight but warm to keep the chill off his fingers. That has to wait for a night that my concentration abilities are on overdrive, so may be a little while yet, while I recover from the Christmas Frenzy.
I also owe my Granddaughter a pair of mittens to go with the super cute, wildly bright, hot pink and orange pompom hat that I made her for Christmas. I just ran out of time before Christmas to get them done, so they are on the needles now, and waiting for the motivation to finish them to hit me.
Since we all now have this open space to contemplate our next projects, rather than bring you only 1 free knitting pattern today, I thought I would bring you a little booklet of 7 of them to save or choose from.
I think that first on my list from the book will be either the slipper socks or the cardigan. They both look like good fun! I also love the Green Tea Sweater, the cowl, the hat and the project bag and fingerless gloves. I hope you are able to find something that inspires you within the list also! If you choose one of these patterns to tackle next, please leave a note in the Comments field and let us know which one! We would also love to see photos of your Works in Progress, or Finished Objects if you get any of them done! Share your knitting success with the rest of us for inspiration and so that we can admire your handiwork and color choices and be inspired accordingly!
Special Thanks to Knitting Daily for the pattern book of 7 patterns that they have shared with us.
To download your booklet of 7 Free Easy Knit Patterns, please click here.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
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