Knit Basic Socks Step by Step – Free Pattern

It is cold and blowing and rainy and damp here on Vancouver Island this weekend, so my mind is yearning for night to come quickly so that I can curl up by the fire and TV, and cast on a pair of knit socks to fritter away the evening!
Knit socks are back in style again, and as such, I thought I would share a step by step slide show with thanks to Canadian Living Magazine to teach beginners how to knit a pair of simple socks. It also includes a written pattern for a basic pair of socks which would be a nice easy knit for an experienced knitter too. I know it can seem intimidating to someone who has never made socks before, but if you follow the step by step, you should be okay, and we are just an email away if necessary!
Now off to the wool room to find the right sock yarn!…….
If you don’t have a full skein of sock yarn, you may want to raid your stash for odds and ends of previous sock yarn projects such as shawls and baby clothing,blankets etc, and make a pair of striped or color blocked socks instead! They are always great fun and make awesome gifts!
Please click here to view the slide show and use the links in the article to direct you towards the written pattern.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce