Resolutions in Crafting 2016

Just 4 short days from now, at the stroke of midnight, a New Year dawns.  Most approach the New Year as a fresh start, a new beginning, clutching a list of things they wish to accomplish in the New Year, call them “resolutions” if you will.

We are all familiar with the typical resolutions such as lose weight, go to gym or exercise more, spend more time with loved ones, read more, eat less, eat healthier, and all the old familiar phrases that often seem to fall by the wayside as the year progresses.

However, we are Crafters, a breed apart from the run of the mill listers of common goals.  As a Crafter,  I am curious to hear your resolutions for your crafting life, be it knitting, or crocheting etc. What are your plans for your WIP’s (Works in Progress), FO’s (Finished Objects), Charity/Helpful Knitting, Yarn Budget, Stash Busting, Stash Organization etc.  Please use the comments field to share your knitting and crocheting and crafting resolutions with us to inspire us all!

I also hope that each one of you had a wonderful time this past weekend with family and friends celebrating whichever holiday in whatever manner you and yours celebrate.  Regardless of what we each call it, it is a time of family, tradition, memories and love, which cannot be replaced by anything else in this world, and during which time we hopefully make enough memories to last us through the year until the date brings us all together in harmony again.

We will resume our pattern posting tomorrow.  Just for today, let us know your crafting hopes and dreams, resolutions and plans for 2016!

Be Well Friends!

Laura & Bruce

**As previously mentioned we could really use your help, and would appreciate it if you could click on some of the ad links on our Spinner’s Husband Blog page, as this is what enables us to continue bringing you extra special and free knit and crochet patterns each day!  We also encourage you to look at the Amazon Ads on the side of the page to check out our listings for additional crafting supplies.  Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you can give us in this regard!

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