Purl Without Turning your work! Tutorial

March 4, 2016 | General
| While we are knitting on two needles, we have always been taught to knit the knit row, and then turn your work over and work the purl row. Imagine how much extra time this takes out of your knitting experience, putting needles and yarn down, turning them, picking them back up and getting them aligned again….and so on.
The tutorial that I would love to show you is a technique for you to purl without turning your work, thus saving you valuable knitting time! And who doesn’t want more knitting time! I know I can never get enough, and if you are reading this blog, I have a feeling that you are one of those people too!!
With no further ado, please click here to access the photo tutorial for doing the purl stitch without turning your work.
Special thanks to the We Are Knitters blog for this awesome knit and purl tutorial!
Be Well and Conserve Time Friends!
Laura & Bruce