Knit? Crochet? Wanna Sleep Like A Baby?

The article I would like to share with you today is about bedtime rituals or routines, and in particular, one that uses knit and crochet and will help you to fall asleep and get a great night’s sleep every night.

When I am ready to turn in for the day, I bring a mug of hot chocolate, warm milk or tea into the bedroom with me, turn on the TV, pick up my knitting or crochet project of the day, and literally knit or crochet myself to sleep.  It appears that what I do naturally is actually what is recommended in order to have a good night’s sleep.

Special Thanks to Leslie Barker of the for sharing this article and advice with us.

To read the full article on tips to knit and crochet before bed and why, please click here

Be Well and Sweet Dreams Friends!

Laura & Bruce

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