Crochet Brooke’s Fabulous Hat! Free Pattern!

March 4, 2016 | General
| Slouch/slouchy hats are everywhere these days it seems, on both men and women now too, so I would be remiss if I did not include a crochet pattern for a slouchy hat from time to time so you can whip them up and stay current with the present style trends!
The author Kirsten Spitzer created this basic slouchy hat crochet pattern when her sister Brooke was in town visiting her, so Brooke would have something to do when there was nothing to do. It’s a very basic pattern, since Brooke had not crocheted in a long while, so we all should be able to do it with great ease! YAY!! A gorgeous, fun and SIMPLE project! Just the perfect thing to putz away at over the weekend, and it probably won’t cost you anything either, because if you are anything like me – and I do think you are……you will already have the “perfect” skein of yarn in your stash! Hooray for stashbusters!!
Special thanks to Kirsten for sharing this crochet slouchy hat pattern with us, which can be downloaded from Ravelry by clicking here.
Be Well Friends, and Happy Woolworking Weekend!
Laura & Bruce