Crochet a Little Warmth for your Very Best Friend! – Free e-book

As I have mentioned previously, my Grandma taught me to both knit and crochet when I was a tender 6 years old, and I have been doing it ever since. I was in my early 20’s before I learned how to read a pattern however, and until then, I just made up patterns as I went along, for any items that I wanted to make.
Fast Forward to about 4 years ago. The family was a part of a Chihuahua Rescue Group, and I would crochet and knit custom ordered, one of a kind dog sweaters in luxury fibers, embellished with antique jewellery findings and vintage buttons, as a means of raising funds for the organization to help cover vet bills, food, shelter etc, for the fosters that the group had in it’s care via raffles, meetup sales etc. I even had a website which was doing quite well, but then I became very ill and had to let some things in my life go for a little while, while I work on recovering, and the sweater website unfortunately was one of them.
If any of you would like to have a look through the gallery of some of the sweaters I had made in both knit and crochet, mainly ready-to-wear, but you will see some custom order work in there also. The shop was doing fantastically, and was even featured in Paw Vogue just prior to having to put it on the back burner.
I know that the dog sweater blog is hopelessly out of date at the moment, but I have still been making dog sweaters for family, and my rescue contacts, and I am still very open and excited to be accepting new commission requests for knit or crochet dog sweaters, and matching human scarves, cowls, shawls or hats, pet blankets etc. again. Please just send me a message, and we can discuss it if you are interested. You can find my sweater website, which I hope to bring up to date in the very near future, by going to where you can see some samples of my work in the picture gallery and old listings.
To get back to today’s post, I am growing increasingly tired of the colder than usual temperatures, and as I have tiny chihuahuas, they feel the cold even more intensely than I do and are always shivering – even with the furnace turned up and the wood stove blazing, so I am planning to whip up a few sweaters for the “kids” that will tolerate wearing clothes, but I also have several who are confirmed “nudists” and absolutely refuse to wear anything along the lines of a sweater or coat. The “nudists” do, however enjoy cuddling up under my electric blanket to stay warm, so as long as they are staying warm somehow, I’m a happy camper.
So I was just browsing through dog sweater patterns to see if anything had changed radically in the time I was away from that world, and I saw this book which has generously been shared with us by Jenna Wingate, and I realized that if I have “chilly dogs”, there are likely many others out in the world with “chilly dogs” too, that might be wanting to crochet a custom made sweater for their furry friend(s) as well.
To download this free ebook of Free Custom Crochet Dog Sweaters please click here. The faster you download it, the faster you will be able to envelop your fuzzy friend in the fruits of your labor, and warm him/her with more than just your love!
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
**We would like to kindly request that in order to support this site and enable us to bring you free knit and crochet patterns daily, that you click on some of the Google Ads on the Spinner’s Husband Blog page. You can also check out the Amazon Ads on the right hand side of the blog page to stock up on all your crafting accessories and more at very good prices. We truly appreciate it, and you!!