Crochet Some Back Relief!

It’s one of the most frustrating parts of our day… get an itch, but it’s on your back and you can’t get it. Or you’re in the shower and want to wash your entire back – but that is never going to happen due to our physical makeup. Now you can crochet yourself a quick solution to either of these issues!
My son spotted this pattern today, and brought it to me and asked me if I could crochet one for him. (When I finish the mermaid blanket for my other son, but that’s a whole other story!) So, I thought I would share the pattern with you as well for some much needed back relief and that “spanking clean” feeling of your whole back being washed and exfoliated!
As I was getting ready to post this, I realized that in my previous yarn order, I had purchased some of that “Scrubby” type yarn, and haven’t gotten around to using it yet – sooooo……… the perfect project has appeared! These back scratcher/scrubber is made from the new yarn that has come out to enhance the cleaning power of regular dish clothes, and if used very gently, wash cloths. I have not had the experience of making a crochet item using this yarn, so this will be a whole new tactile experience for me! The yarn I ordered is a bright red as well, so it will look pretty while making you feel better!
That’s pretty much a Win/Win for me! What about you?
The other bonuses are that this yarn is easy on your skin while still doing a great job, it’s environmentally friendly because it’s washable, and it stands up to a long period of use. Using this crochet scrubber, you can imagine that you are having a spa day without the price and without having to leave your home!
Paired with a bar of luxury, nicely scented soap, and you’ve got a great gift for family and friends!
To download this awesome crochet back scrubber, please click here.
Special thanks to Red Heart Yarn for sharing this terrific pattern with us!
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce