Free Crochet Hat Pattern

Do you remember the days of hesitantly picking up your crochet hook, and attempting those first fledgling stitches?  I do too!!  I was thrilled that I was learning a new skill, but terrified I was going to mess up!

This is the position one of our readers feels like she is in at the moment.  She has some very basic crochet knowledge and wrote to me asking if I would be able to find a very basic crochet hat pattern for her, so that she can make it!  I don’t know if it is for a Christmas Gift, or for herself or a child of hers, but I am encouraging her, and honoring her request with this post.  I hope this is a wonderful next step in your crochet journey!

This will be an easy crochet for those of you who have been doing it for awhile, but you could use the opportunity, and it’s simplicity to whip some of your stash into some free crochet hats for an organization in your community that shares warmth with the less fortunate!

They also make great stocking stuffers!

The photo of the pattern shows the hat being made with stripes, although you can most certainly do it all in one color, or bands of different colors, or a multicolored stripe.  I also like using a solid color for the main color, and then having the stripe done with a variegated yarn for a variety of color interests.

Special thanks to Hannah Cuviello of Abundant Yarn Online  for sharing this free pattern.

To access the free basic single stitch crochet hat pattern, please click here.

Be Well Friends!

Laura & Bruce

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