Knitting Stitch Tutorial – Left Hand Decrease

I don’t know if you love a good tutorial the way that I do, but I find that seeing something happen, or a set of instructions for how to pull something off, are fabulous ways to learn new things!
Today’s knit tutorial is for the Left-Handed Decrease. The traditional way of SSK leaves a stitch that stands out slightly from the rest, enough to pull your eye from an even flowing garment or item. This article will help you to fix that to a large degree, with just a tiny change in how you slip the second stitch. I can’t wait to try it myself!
However, I have had a super bad case of “startitis” over the last little while, thanks in part to my medical condition and lack of being able to sit down and just focus on one thing and see it through to completion.
So, whenever I get new yarn and it tells me right away what it wants to be – or if I have just come across an awesome pattern, I have the urge to try it out, and have little to no impulse control lately when it comes to wool, and so I do begin yet another project!! Do any of you have a bad case of “startitis” too? Weigh in on our Facebook page and let me know!
Special thanks to for sharing this fantastic tutorial and technique with us!
To read and watch this video tutorial, please click here for the link.
Please also don’t forget our Preemie Hat-Tastic Contest. You can read about it by clicking here!
**If you think of it, or could make a point of it, could you please click on one or two(or more) of the Google Ads on The Spinner’s Husband website? No purchase is necessary, but it will go a long way in helping to bring you fresh, free patterns and tutorials as often as I do. We appreciate your participation in helping this website/pattern blog to work as it should! Thank you!
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
Haven’t heard about the startitus bug going around but there seems to be an epedimic of “get re done or finish itis” among people I know. There are more unfinished projects in my closets, drawers and cupboards that are now in jeopardy of having bits of pilfered by kids and grandkids looking through my UFO’s to make something else. I recently came across the first quilt blocks I ever made. I was 13 yrs old and needed something to do while baby sitting 54 years ago. There are another 15 or more quilt tops ready to be put together keeping those blocks company. Now I’m just to busy crocheting and knitting up a bunch of new yarn I just couldn’t resist. So much to do, so little time. Do you have a video for making socks? I have just fallen in love with some gorgeous sock yarn and somehow it’s on it’s way to my house. Hope it arrives when no one else is here.