Knit tutorial for Long BasketWeave Slouch Beanie – Free!

We all learn differently from one another, and when it comes to learning to knit, this is no exception either.  Some people do well with written patterns, others are more visual learners, which is why I am including this free knit tutorial for the Long BasketWeave Beanie pattern so that you can just follow along and have a hat done in no time flat!

This site is great, and even offers knit and crochet tutorials for left handed knitters/crocheters!

The instructions for the free long basketweave beanie are pretty straightforward, and I look forward to seeing your FO’s (Finished Objects), if you would like to post your pictures when the hats are complete!

You could also make a few up for charity as a stash busting exercise, because the need for warmth does not stop when the holidays are over!  You will diminish your stash and someone else will be kept warm that otherwise wouldn’t be!  The way I see it, it’s a win/win!  You get your stash pared down, and someone else gets a warm head and heart, and is touched to know that another human being on the planet is/was thinking of them and wishing them well!

Protect someone’s head from the wind by downloading this Free Knit Basketweave Beanie pattern by clicking here and also by watching the free video below:

Special Thanks to for this fine knit tutorial!

Be Well Friends!

Laura & Bruce

**As previously mentioned we could really use your help, and would appreciate it if you could click on some of the ad links on our Spinner’s Husband Blog page, as this is what enables us to continue bringing you extra special and free knit patterns each day!  We also encourage you to look at the Amazon Ads on the side of the page to check out our listings for additional crafting supplies.  Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you can give us in this regard!

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