A Knit Sweater from a Fan for Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift wears a Knit Sweater from an Unknown Fan.

Can you imaging if it had been you that sent her the sweater?

That’s a lot of knitting considering she if over 6 feet.

I am sure she gets lots of gifts everyday, so having her pick this one out would be amazing for the knitter.

Taylor Swift is known for being awesomely involved with her fans. Recently, she kept up the trend by showing off her newest fave fan gift, and it is a good one. The item? A hand-knit sweater featuring a Polaroid picture of Taylor herself.She posted a picture sporting the sweater and giving two big thumbs up on her Instagram and wrote, “Someone knitted this sweater for me of a Polaroid of myself and gave it to my mom tonight at the show. It has very quickly become my everything. Thank you, mysterious knitter.”The super-cute, super-creative sweater features one of the Polaroids from Swift’s 1989 album. This crazy-talented fan even knitted the words that appear beneath the picture: “It’s like I’ve got this music in my mind sayin’ it’s gonna be alright.” Now that’s impressive. I want one for myself.

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