Crochet this Free Victorian Lace Sweater Pattern!

The Holidays are drawing to a close, and it then becomes a time of more pensive, crocheting for yourself and for the pure enjoyment of crocheting rather than the frenetic “must crochet this, this and this” in order to get things done in time for Christmas gifts.
While searching the web for wonderful projects for you to consider or tackle, I came across this lovely free Victorian Lace Crochet Sweater Pattern which I really really love and was quite surprised to see that it was crocheted. I am thinking this may become one of my daughter’s Birthday presents at the end of January if she is lucky!
Special thanks to Willow Yarns for sharing this lovely free sweater pattern with us!
To download and view the Free Victorian Lace Crochet Sweater Pattern from Willow Yarns, please click here.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
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