Crochet this Beautiful Mystery Flower Scarf! Free Pattern!

There is not alot to say about this little crochet scarf, except that it is very pretty, fairly simple, and gives you some good fun working with a skein of “mystery yarn”.
The crochet pattern is available to download on Ravelry by using the “download” link, however the link to her website no longer appears to be viable. Please remember to use the actual “Download” link when you are trying to get your copy of the pattern.
This is a great little scarf to make as a gift, and depending on the yarn used, it would make a great little spring or summer dressy scarf. I can see it in a nice bamboo, or silk, or a gorgeous cashmere to make an extraordinarily dressy scarf for a Christmas or Birthday gift. You could even make the little flowers out of remnants in your stash for some variety of color and textures! I am currently knitting a Zauberball Shawl and one that I am designing myself with my hand dyed rainbow yarn, but I think once they are off the needles, I might give this one a try, because I think either my daughter or granddaughter, or maybe both would love it!!!
Special thanks to Jill Bujold of Kaleidoscope Yarns for providing us with this free crochet pattern by clicking here and then using the word “Download” in the box on the right hand side of the page.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce