Cluster Stitch Bag Crochet ( Video Tutorial )

Crochet a Cluster Stitch Bag.
If you are looking for a unique bag, then this colourful bag is easy to make.
Of course you do not have to follow the colour scheme here. It is a great guideline though. I am sure we all have a stash of yarn that we could use to make up this bag.
It is best made with a wool or acrylic cotton yarn.
I showed this bag to my granddaughter and her eyes just lit up. So I guess this bag is on my list.
They have 2 types of patterns for this bag that you can download. A US version and a UK version.
Here is a comment from one of their viewers
I really like your videos for several reasons…one) they are very clear, the picture is so clear which makes it easy to see exactly what you are doing. Two) you don’t go real fast to the point I can’t see what you are doing. Three) you explain each step with clear view details. Some videos are not clear, they go to fast, and you can’t see the stitches really good. Thank you so much. I will subscribe.
This video is 24 minutes long, so close the door, turn up the volume, grab a crochet hook and some yarn and crochet along.
Credits for this video goes to BobWilson123 youtube channel.
You can get either of the patterns here…