Tips for Knitting Gloves That Always Fit

February 6, 2016 | Knitting
| How many of you have tried to knit gloves? Did you have any difficulties? I was intimidated by them the first time I knit them, but after the first glove I was a little more relaxed. The more I knit them, the more comfortable I became, and you will too!
Even with that being said, glove knitting is an art form unto itself – picking up fingers, making them the right length so the recipient doesn’t look like Freddie Kreuger!!, avoiding holes between thumb and fingers…..making the cuffs long enough to shield from the wind, but not too long……….well… get the general idea.
Thanks to this great article, Ashley Little for Craftsy, lays out some of the more common trouble spots when hand knitting gloves. It is definitely worth a read, because it can dramatically reduce your learning curve for glove knitting if you have a bag of tricks up your sleeve if you should ever need them. Forewarned is ForeArmed!!
To access the article and absorb more new knitting tricks, please click here.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce