Crochet the Nativity Part 2 – Free Pattern

As promised yesterday, here is Part 2 of the crochet Nativity Scene that you can make for your home or for someone you love this season. It is a fitting tribute to the season to honor it with this little crocheted manger scene.
There is not alot more to say other than what I said yesterday, so without further ado, I will give you the link for the second half special collector’s crochet set of the Nativity scene.
Special thanks to for providing us with this free crochet Nativity Pattern.
In the spirit of the season, try to do a Random Act of Kindness for at leaset 7 people today! It could be as simple as a smile or holding a door for someone, or anything that will make someone else’s load a little lighter for having encountered you.
To crochet the rest of the Nativity scene characters, please click here.
Be Well Friends!
Laura & Bruce
**As previously mentioned we could really use your help, and would appreciate it if you could click on some of the ad links on our Spinner’s Husband Blog page, as this is what enables us to continue bringing you extra special and free crochet patterns each day! We also encourage you to look at the Amazon Ads on the side of the page to check out our listings for additional crafting supplies. Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you can give us in this regard!